
This page last updated 4 December 2022

This is sec's place on the web, hosted by SDF.

This is a personal website continuing the tradition of the "small web", where individuals have their own site on the web where they have sole control over the content. The small web shuns the modern social networks where corporations curate feeds and timelines while claiming rights over their users' content.

When you own your website, you are free to host it where you want, and have the ability to choose what your own work does or doesn't appear alongside.

This website is being served to you by a non-profit public access network of systems called Super Dimensional Fortress. Its existence doesn't rely on any centralised cloud providers or content delivery networks. It's won't go down due to an outage at AWS, GCP, or Cloudflare. It might be ugly, disorganised, and inconsequential, but it is uncompromisingly mine.